
Fire emblem fates pellucid crystal
Fire emblem fates pellucid crystal

fire emblem fates pellucid crystal

Sumeragi's adopted child, Corrin, is said to have a very similar personalty to him.Love at First Sight: In Revelation, he says this was how he fell in love with Mikoto.Know When to Fold 'Em: Retreats after getting defeated by Owain, Inigo, and Severa in the first part of Hidden Truths.In the Hood: Is the hooded figure that appears in the story and killed Mikoto while aiming for Corrin.After learning the truth, Corrin says that Sumeragi really was their father Happily Adopted: He took in his second wife's, Mikoto's, child – Corrin – as his own.He also performed a Heroic Sacrifice to prevent the young Corrin's death. When he's defeated in Revelation and comes back to normal, he compliments their strength and says that he believes they can beat Anankos. Good Parents: He truly cares for his children.

fire emblem fates pellucid crystal

He does return to his much kinder self when he's dying again, though. Subverted horrifically when he returns as Anankos' puppet, where he's reduced to a brainwashed Blood Knight. The Good King: Accounts of his life paint him as this.According to his best friend Fuga, he was kind of a prankster as a child and a huge brawler as a teenager/young adult (and a bit of a manwhore, in the JPN original), only growing into a Reasonable Authority Figure around the time he married his first wife Ikona. quite rougher around the edges while younger. Finally, Hans is an Ax-Crazy Hate Sink who wears black while Sumeragi is a Brainwashed and Crazy Fallen Hero who wears white. Also Hans is Obviously Evil, a Nohrian and his rivalry is with Xander, his former ennemy while Sumeragi is the Archnemesis Dad of Ryoma, an Hoshidan and used to be on Ryoma's side. Also Hans is an ex outlaw with an An Axe to Grind while Sumeragi is an ex king and a Master Swordsman. Hans, on the other hand, has no honor, kills Lilith and Corrin loathes him while enjoying killing him a lot. Corrin also looks up to him and feels bad about facing him. However Sumeragi has an honor code and doesn't kill Zola when he saves Takumi. Then they return in attempt to kill one the heroes (but someone is Taking the Bullet) in Birthright. They are also tertiary villains who used Corrin to kill one of their parental figure right under their eyes. They are both Blood Knight(s) who have a rivalry with Corrin and one of their eldest brother.

fire emblem fates pellucid crystal

Garon acts as the direct enforcer of Anankos' will throughout the game, while Sumeragi serves as an assassin meant to deal with them from the shadows. However, while Sumeragi's early death is well-known, Garon's is not. While Sumeragi comes back from the dead, Garon does not (his corpse is instead used as Anankos' familiar). Dressed primarily in white with black hair (with slight white in it), both have oppositely colored beards, and they are both killed early in the story. Dying as Yourself: Upon being defeated in Revelation.Death of a Thousand Cuts: Has the Astra skill on higher difficulties.Three chapters after Hans is Killed Off for Real in the Revelation route, Sumeragi returns and fills his role as the tertiary antagonist and the villains' Blood Knight for the rest of the route. Convenient Replacement Character: Sumeragi first appears in chapter 5, two chapters after Hans was Put on a Bus so he could replace him for the hoshidan part of the exposition arc until Hans returns later, once the prologue is over.Came Back Wrong: And subsequently became the dragon's minion.Brainwashed and Crazy: After his spirit was resurrected by Anankos.Blood Knight: While Sumeragi had always been fight-happy according to Fuga, when he was revived as a servant of Anankos, this side of him was amped up.Ryoma – his son – seemed to have inherited this particular trait.

fire emblem fates pellucid crystal

  • Badass Armfold: His portraits have him doing this.
  • Back from the Dead: Was resurrected by Anankos after being killed by Garon.
  • Archnemesis Dad: To Ryoma in the Revelation route, after he Came Back Wrong and killed Mikoto (Ryoma's stepmother and his second wife) right in front of him.
  • Voiced by: Taketora (Japanese), David Stanbra (English)

    Fire emblem fates pellucid crystal